Galaxy Life: Pocket Adventures Wiki


300px-Reptice Concept

Reptice is the latest Antagonist in the game. He lives on the other side of a black hole. In order to get the Freeze Turret Reptice invented, you must first destroy his starbase.

He is a wizard according to the description: "We first need the blueprints to build the Freeze Turret! Rumor has it that Reptice, a hideous Starling wizard, knows the secret to slowing down time. Find him in the Planetary System, destroy his Star Base and seize the blueprints for the Freeze Turret!"


  • He will level up once if you defeated him and got the Freeze Turret. (from LvL 4-5) 
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Reptice's Story[]

Upon defeating Reptice, he reveals that he was never hostile. He was a scientist, revered by many Starlings. However, an experiment went wrong and it left him deformed and ugly. The starlings hated him, so he escaped through a warp gate to a black hole to never return...

There are so many differences from the normal story to this story:

One day the starlings found a creature in a mine. A scientist adopted it. It was a cute, little frog. One day the scientist was doing an experiment but it went wrong. He melted together with his frog and every starling found him ugly. He disappeared into a warp gate to go to a black hole. Reptice is not a bad starling, but everyone hated and denied him, that is why he want to take revenge with his special weapon: The Freeze Turret!

